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Service and product designer

Villa Albertine Residency
A two-month research residency in New York, around sensoriality and neurodivergence

Educational kit
Educational kit for elementary schools, designed to raise awareness of gender stereotypes.

And they made Herstory ....
Board game for children created with the Artémisia Association (FR) to highlight inspiring women around the world.
Freelance designer working within the interplay of products and services. Creator of socially oriented concepts & innovative solutions.

Inclusive hodgepodge
Workshop for primary schools, allowing to create non-stereotypical characters and families.

Restorative Puzzle
Puzzle recycling system, transforming old children puzzles into suitable objects for adult rehabilitation.

Micro-Résidence en médiathèque
Atelier autour de la littérature jeunesse et des modèles genrés réalisés à la médiathèque Saint-Pierre de Nancy lors d'une micro résidence.

Ornamental Sexuality
Contemporary brooch, designed to evoke the spirit of female sexuality.

Fold & Radiance
Decorative glass wall tiles, created in partnership with Passavent La Rochère.

Costumes & Modèles
Atelier non mixte en école primaire. Création participative de costumes non stéréotypés

Plushies and Acarids
Plushies with acarids aesthetics, created with second hand stuffed animals to raising awareness around recycling.

Wagara Rings
Rings inspired by patterns of traditional japanese fabrics - for the brand Maty.

Spring-inspired watches
3 models with distinct spring themes - rejuvenating the brand Go Mademoiselle.

Dovetail Cube
3D-printed cube, facilitating a wide range of modular projects.

Citrus pincher
Sculptural object in bronze, imagined for the exhibit "Around the fire". It illustrates the combination of conceptual thinking and pragmatic usefulness.
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